Ressaca Friends 2022


The characters of Japanese cultural will invade Distrito Anhembi!

On December 17th and 18th one of the bigger events about pop Japanese cultural will returner to Distrito Anhembi, and you, your family, and friends have one meeting on Ressaca Friends.

The true immersion on the otaku universe with great attractions, such as shows, speeches, workshops, stands, typical cuisine, games, and of course, a lot of fun!

So, prepare your cosplay and come to enjoy with us!


12/17 Saturday – 10:00 a.m to 10:00 p.m.
12/18 Sunday – 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Age classification: 16 years
13 years or less, only accompanied with the parents.

Free entrance:
– 65 years or more.
– Children with less than 13 years with one responsible paying, obeying the proportion of 1 adult and 1 kid.  In case of the 1 adult paying and 2 kids, only one of the kids will receive the courtesy.

*All the courtesy need to be picked up on the box office.

Vip Package:

-Ticket for one day
-Special credential
-Special entrance
-Access to vip room
-1 Poster of A3 Maru
-1 Voucher for middle size popcorn
-1 Food voucher
-1 Promotional cup

Premium Package:

-Ticket for two days
-Special credential
-Special entrance
-Access to vip room
-1 Poster of A3 Maru
-1 T-shirt
-1 Promotional Bucket
-1 Voucher of popcorn
-2 Food vouchers
-1 Promotional cup
-Reserved seat on auditorium
-All the Meet + Great included with Fast Pass


Dec 17 - 18 2022

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