The biggest fair of natural products of Latin America.
For 15 years, Naturaltech reunited the sectors of natural products, probiotics, integrals, herbal medicines, and complementary treatments. This event is one of the principal businesses generator when the theme is natural product, besides of presents all the world news of the sector.
This 17th edition brings the theme: Organic Universe and Natural in Movement. What will abording the dynamism of the sector, and how the technology and innovation come to change the DNA of products. It will be more than 700 exhibitors, more than 35 thousand of visitors and 120 hours of programing.
The event will happen on June 14th to 17th at 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Exhibition Pavilion of Anhembi District. But attention, on the days 14th and 15th at 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. the access is only for sellers and professionals of the sector.