The most expected event by Brazilians entrepreneurs will came to Distrito Anhembi!
The Forum E-commerce Brazil is the biggest event of the sector in Latin America and the 3rd in the world, and it’s lest edition reunited more than 13 thousand professionals, more than 200 speakers and had more than 25 areas with simultaneous content.
Focused on e-commerce and digital marketing the event promotes a perfect space for networking between professionals, entrepreneurs and specialist of the area. Offering a unique experience with lectures, panels, workshops and one business salon that’s abording teams like online sales strategies, logistics, marketing digital, technology, user experience, market trends, among others. Besides of this the event counts with the participation of startups that presentation their products and market solutions, thus creating big opportunities for business.
The event will happen on July 30th to August 1st at Expo 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Distrito Anhembi.