The biggest party on Brasil already has a date!
The 33 sambas’ school will back to Cultural Walkway in Distrito Anhemi for a new parade with a lot of news. With a judgment criterion reformulate, participation of artists that will be involved on the nine questions and the maintenance of initiatives that contributed for the growth of the spectacle.
The schools of Access 2 will open the parade on February 3. On the days 9 and 10 the schools of Special Group will compete for the title of Champion. And the schools of Access 1 will finish the parade on February 11. For last, but not less important, the champions schools will parade again on February 17th.
Check the order of Parade.
February 3, Saturday (Only this day the entrance is free)
1 – Unidos de São Miguel
2 – Unidos de São Lucas
3 – Imperatriz da Pauliceia
4 – Amizade Zona Leste
5 – Uirapuru da Mooca
6 – X-9 Paulistana
7 – Camisa 12
8 – Primeira da Cidade Líder
9 – Imperador do Ipiranga
10 – Morro da Casa Verde
11 – Unidos do Peruche
February 9TH, Friday
1 – Camisa Verde e Branco
2 – Barroca Zona Sul
3 – Dragões da Real
4 – Independente
5 – Acadêmicos do Tatuapé
6 – Mancha Verde
7 – Rosas de Ouro
February 10, Saturday
1 – Vai-Vai
2 – Tom Maior
3 – Mocidade Alegre
4 – Gaviões da Fiel
5 – Águia de Ouro
6 – Império de Casa Verde
7 – Acadêmicos do Tucuruvi
February 11, Sunday
1 – Dom Bosco de Itaquera
2 – Torcida Jovem
3 – Nenê de Vila Matilde
4 – Pérola Negra
5 – Colorado do Brás
6 – Unidos de Vila Maria
7 – Estrela do Terceiro Milênio
8 – Mocidade Unida da Mooca
Age Classification
6 to 12 years only accompanied by parents
13 to 17 years accompanied by an adult responsible
- Backpack
- Raincoat
- Flag without pole
- Toxic substances
- Fireworks
- Roll paper (newspapers, etc.)
- Balloons in general
- Firearms, white or of any kind
- Food and drinks in general
- Flags with pole
- Umbrella
Collective Transport
During the 4 days of parade (special group, access group and champions parade), the SPTrans will active 2 bus lines exclusive for Sambadrome, from the subway stations Portuguesa-Tiete and Palmeiras-Barra Funda. Besides of that, the night bus lines will help the public retorn for home.